The evaluation of each course shall contain two parts :Internal or In Semester Assessment (IA) and External or End-Semester Assessment (EA).The internal grade awarded to the students in each course in a semester shall be published on the notice board at least one week before the commencement of end semester examination. The responsibility of evaluating the internal assessment is vested on the teacher(s) who teaches the course. There will be University Examinations at the end of each semester for both theory and Practical . Semester End Examinations for all theory papers shall be got set/prepared by the Controller of Examinations as per existing norms and evaluation of all theory papers courses shall be done by eligible faculty members of a cluster  of  colleges to be formed by all the colleges of a district, under the supervision and coordination of the Controller of Examination. When there is a single college in a district it has the liberty either to join the nearest cluster or form a new cluster with a similarly placed college of an adjacent district. Principal of the college where an evaluation centre shall be established shall prepare the panel of Evaluators and Head Examiners. 5-10% of the answer scripts evaluated by each evaluator may be got revised at random through the Head Examiners, in case of all courses. In case of failure/re-appear category the Internal Assessment earned by the candidate as a regular student shall be carried forward to the subsequent examination.

20% of the marks allotted to each theory paper and 50% of the marks allotted to each practical paper including field work/ project work/ dissertation, wherever prescribed, shall be reserved for internal assessment.


 The evaluation of a candidate shall be awarded and record thereof maintained in accordance with the Regulations prescribed for the purpose under the CBCS as per the following:



Syllabus to be covered in

the examination



% Weightage (Marks)

Internal Assesment Test

(Pattern:One long answer type question of 10 marks and Five short answer type questions of 2 marks each)

Upto 50%(after 45 days)

1 hour


External End Semester University Exam ( Pattern: As proposed by the concerned BOS        and approved by Academic

Council or (*)

Upto 100%( after 90 days)

3 hour





Daily         evaluation        of                   practical records/Viva voce/attendence etc.


50( including 20% for attendance,20%for Viva- voce and 60% for internal test and day to

day performance)

Final Practical Performance + viva voce

(External Examination)

100% Syllabus

50 (40(paper) +10(viva-







A semester end external examination for B.A./B.Sc.(General)/BBA/BCA/Honours course, under CBCS, shall be open to the following categories of students :

(A ) A regular student i.e. a student who has undergone a regular course of study in a college for the period specified for that course of study by having been on the rolls of the college immediately preceding the examination and has his/her name submitted to the Controller of Examinations by the college Principal where he/she has pursued the course for the examination and has fulfilled the following conditions to be certified by the college Principal concerned:

(i) he/she has been a student of good conduct.

(ii) he/she has attended not less than 75% of the lecture delivered including seminars, tutorials etc in each course opted by him/her in that semester.

(iii) he/she has passed in internal assessment.

(iv) in the case of laboratory course/practicals, he/she has attended not less than 75% of the practical classes conducted (practicals include field studies, workshop practice, map work, surveying etc.).

(v) he/she has paid the prescribed fee.


(B) Ex-students i.e. students who after having undergone a regular course of study and having completed all conditions of eligibility for appearance in a course(s) in a semester examination including minimum attendance requirement and having passed in Internal Assessment and having either failed to pass the semester examination in that subject/paper(s) or been unable to appear in the examination in that subject/paper(s) will be eligible to appear as a private candidate in the examination by submitting his/her application on the prescribed form along with prescribed fees to reach the Controller of Examinations within the dates fixed for this purpose.



 Any candidate who participates in games, cultural and other Co-Curricular activities as defined below with prior approval of the Principal concerned shall, for the purpose of condoning deficiency in attendance incurred by her on account of such participation, be treated as present on all the working days during the days of her absence on such account for a period not less exceeding 15 working days in a semester programme subject to a maximum of 30 working days in an year. 

a) State representation in International /All India Competitions organized by agencies which are recognized by the Board of Sports and Youth Welfare.

b) Participation in the Inter-University Competitions held under the auspices of a university or any other recognized institution as a member of the University team. 

c) Participation in the Inter-College Competitions organized by university as a                       member of the team of participating institutions.


d)  Participation in the NCC, NSS and National Integration Samiti activities as a member of recognized institutions.


e) Participation in the Coaching Camps/Rehearsals prior to participation as a member of state or university team in the National /All India /Inter –University Competitions.


f) Participation in the Mountaineering /Hiking/Trekking/Skiing/Rock-Climbing or other such activities organized under the auspices of the state Government / university as a member of Institution affiliated/recognized by the university.




(i) A student will be eligible for promotion from Semester-I to II, Semester-III to IV if he/she has      

(a) secured pass marks in Internal Assessment of all the subjects/papers of the Semester-I/III as the  case may be.

(b) has appeared in at least one of the papers of Semester End examination of Semester I/III as the case may be.

(ii) A student will be eligible for promotion from Semester-II to III and Semester IV to V provided he/she has earned at least 50% of the total credits for the subjects/papers of theory/practicals of Semester-I/III as the case may be and passed in Internal Assessment of all subjects/papers of Semester–II/IV as the case may be

(iii)A student will be eligible for promotion from Semester-V to VI provided he/she has passed in all subjects/papers of Semester-I and Semester-IIII.

Provided that a student who does not fulfill the promotion criteria (i), (ii) & (iii) above shall be declared fail in the semester concerned. However, he/she shall have the option to retain the marks in the papers in which he/she has secured Pass marks.

(iv)A student who has to reappear in a subject/paper prescribed for Semester-I to IV shall appear in the subsequent Semester end examination to be held as per the dates prescribed by the University.

(v) A student who has to reappear in a subject(s)/paper(s) prescribed for Semester-V & VI shall appear in the supplementary examination.







The Principal of College concerned may condone shortage of a student in attendance in a semester for special reasons, to be recorded in writing upto 6% of the lectures delivered or practicals conducted in each course separately.

                                                            Any candidate, who falls short of attendance beyond condonable limits or whose shortage in attendance is not condoned by the competent authorities and wants to pursue the programme, shall be required to re-join the course along with the next batch of students of the same class to make up the deficiency by attending the required number of lectures by which he/she had fallen short. This provision shall however, be applicable only in respect of such of the candidates who have attended at least 50% classes in the said course/s. Candidates having attended less than 50% of the lectures in a particular course/s shall be considered for re-admission after depositing afresh the prescribed admission fee for the Semester / Course. However, such candidate/s shall appear in the examination along with the candidates of the semester,with which he/she has been re-admitted, in regular capacity.

Provided further also that in case such a student again falls short of lectures he/she shall not be allowed to seek admission to that course in any affiliated college in any subsequent year.