


The College has a Debating Society-cum-Literary Club. The Debating Society organizes debates, symposia, quiz contests and seminars. The Literary Club arranges literary programmes, lectures, talks of academic interest and essay competition. Literary club offers a competing platform for the knowledge hungry students. It promises to cultivate a passion for Quizzing, Debating, Creative-writing, Literature, elocution etc. among the students. The aim of literary club is to inculcate among students a love for language and enhance their literary skills. The Club provides a platform to sharpen the skills of logical, intellectual and independent thinking and imbibe a sense of confidence.



 To inculcate a sense of discipline, develop character, a desire for service and capacity for leadership, the College provides facilities for NCC training for the volunteer male students. One NCC wing (Artillery/Infantry) is available in the College. Prescribed NCC uniform kits are issued to the enrolled NCC cadets free of cost. Interested students may apply for admission to the concerned NCC Officer for further details. The admission shall be made on first come first serve basis.

 Enrollment Rules and Regulations of NCC:

a) NCC enrollment forms are available with NCC Officer of the College free of cost. The enrollment forms are also to be filled in at the time of the admission.

 b) Every enrolled NCC cadet has to undergo 40 parades of two hours each in the entire session.

c) All cadets shall have to put in 75% attendance at parades so as to become eligible for certificate exams.

d) Enrolled cadets have also to attend one camp.


 National Service Scheme (NSS) is a flagship Programme of the Government of India. It aims at personality and character development of the students through voluntary community services with the motto “NOT ME, BUT YOU”. This Institution has two NSS units, each unit comprising of 100 student volunteers, led by a teachers designated as Programme Officers (POs). NSS volunteers work on the issues of social relevance, which keep evolving in response to the needs of community, through regular and special activities.

 A) Regular NSS activities: Student volunteers undertake various activities in adopted villages, College Campus and urban slums during weekend or after college hours.

 B) Special Camping Programme: Camps of 7 days’ duration is organized in adopted villages, college campus and urban slums during winter vacation with some specific projects by involving local community. At least 50% enrollment of NSS volunteers is required to participate in this `camp.



A number of tours and picnics are organized in college to the places of educational and historical importance. The college organizes picnic every year for the students of each semester. Educational tours to the places of importance will also become a regular feature of the college in years to come where students will be selected on the basis of merit. Subject tours will also be conducted within the state/UT.



 The college has established a guidance cell which provides counseling to the students for exploring career & higher education options. The cell explores possibilities of opportunities and promotes useful career planning. The cell conducts various programs on topics such as personality development, Communicative skills, and group discussion aimed at moulding the students for intensive coaching.



The College has been consistently projecting its teams in intercollegiate & zonal tournaments like Cricket, Volley-ball, Kabaddi, Badminton, Athletics and Kho-Kho etc. Games are played regularly and every student is given opportunity to play at least one game. Students can have the usual equipment for the games he/she opts for. After the completion of the admission process, College teams are announced on the basis of trials and selection process. Every student is given equal opportunity to show his/her talent during trials and ultimately the best is selected.

 The players in their own interest are advised to be punctual and regular in their class work as well. Inter-group tournaments in all the games are conducted periodically. Mementoes and prizes are given to the winning groups. Extraordinary players are considered for awards which cannot be claimed as a matter of right but are decided by the competent authority on the basis of overall performance of the players in and outside the field. Special arrangements will be made in near future for more indoor and outdoor games in which the members of the staff as well as students can participate. Besides sports and games, the various programmes on Yoga and stress management has been initiated  from the current session to keep the students fit-both mentally and physically.

In future, the college is planning to introduce Physical education along with many other subjects as a core subject which will further enhance the scope of career opportunities.



Art, in any form, can give emotions that can lift up the spirit and make us more driven than ever. Art and culture speak to our expressions & emotions. It can positively affect the mood. The opportunity to showcase  one’s talent and perform different cultural activities build good skills in students. It affects overall development of student’s personality i.e. Emotional, Mental, and Educational. Art encourages the students to express their thoughts, feelings and creativity through the various forms. The college has been continuously providing opportunities to its talented students by projecting college teams in different intercollegiate and zonal competitions in the disciplines like group songs, solo songs, group dance, solo dance, drama, skits, mime, art/craft etc.